Road Report 20-21

As of this time, the condition of Bradley Pond Road is normal.  As always there are areas needing work but in general it is in good shape.  Winter brought less snow and ice than normal this year.  Snow melted sooner and there were no significant late season snow falls.  As such, mud season was minimal this year although there was some damage in the form of ruts on the section of road leading into the Winship residence.

As you may recall, we voted to raise additional funds for routine road maintenance last fall in hopes of doing some work that had not been possible in previous years due to low funds after larger than normal winter maintenance costs.  I am sorry to report that this has not happened.  Our contractor, Wilson Excavation of Lovell, agreed to do the work but failed to show up after repeatedly saying they would last fall and this spring.  I have contacted other area contractors, Drew Excavation and Barker Excavation.  Both are booked and have not committed to do any work this year.

On a positive note, the Town of Lovell donated a significant amount of work this year to include grading the road from Route 5 to the boat launch,  raking the road smooth, removal of numerous large stones from the roadway, and spreading several dump truck loads of gravel in areas needing it.

I will continue to work on getting a contractor this year.  I look forward to speaking more about this at our meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Grzyb