Bradley Pond Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2008

Attending: Richard Lloyd, Walter Grzyb, Bob and Susan Winship, Paul Melville, Brian Elowe, John and Mary Jean Gerry. In accordance with the bylaws of the BPA, there were 6 lots and 6 owners represented at the meeting, constituting a quorum for voting purposes.

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM at the Lloyd house.

  1. The minutes from the August, 2007 meeting were read and accepted.
  2. There was a short discussion on the problems encountered by some members trying to open email attachments, generally including documents and spreadsheets. Everyone is encouraged to download and use Open Office (OpenOffice.org), a free duplicate of Microsoft Office. However, a paper copy of attachments will be sent to BPA members upon request if there are continued problems of this nature.
  3. Bylaw change:Based upon the experiences of the last three years, it was proposed by Richard Lloyd and Walter Gryzb that there be a change in the number and terms of officers of the BPA. The new three-officer makeup would now include the following:President/Secretary Term 2 years.Vice President/Treasurer Term 2 years.Road Commissioner Term 2 years.The President will assume the duties of Secretary as well.The Vice President will assume the duties of Treasurer also.The Vice President will automatically succeed the President.The Road Commissioner is a new position. The first term will be for 3 years to avoid a wholesale turnover of officers 2 years from now.This bylaw change was seconded and approved by the members present and will be officially entered into the BPA bylaws.
  4. Officer elections:Richard Lloyd automatically assumes the position of President/Secretary at this time.Brian Elowe was unanimously elected Vice President/Treasurer at this meeting.Walter Gryzb was unanimously elected Road Commissioner at this meeting.
  5. It was noted that the mirrors intended for the top of two hills on Bradley Pond Road were never purchased as planned at the 2007 meeting. Richard Lloyd and Walter Gryzb agreed to purchase and install the mirrors as soon as possible.
  6. There was a discussion of the impact of road improvements, particularly widening the road, on individual properties. It was noted that the commonly owned width of the road is 66 feet. It was agreed that future road improvements will be undertaken with an eye to minimizing the impact on individual properties.
  7. The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. There is a current balance of $2,976.44. It was agreed that the current assessment schedule will remain in effect. The treasurer will notify the membership that assessment payments are due by the end of the calendar year.
  8. The new Road Commissioner outlined plans for continued improvement of the road. Areas of concern remain including washout on hills, drainage on the straightaway between lots 6 and 7, and other previously identified washout areas.
  1. There was a discussion of approving exceptions to the Restrictive Covenants of the Bradley Pond Subdivision dated 1/27/1988. Specifically, the restrictions require that all structures have wooden siding. There are a number of modern man-made sidings, however, that are both attractive and energy-efficient. It was agreed that applications for an exception to the siding rule will be reviewed by the BPA board on a case-by-case basis.
  2. There was a discussion, led by Bob Winship, of the activities of the Lovell Land Trust. Currently, negotiations for the purchase of most of the land on Amos Mountain are proceeding slowly. This land abuts some of the BPA lots and residential development of the Amos Mountain land could have an adverse effect on those lots. Hopefully the Land Trust will be able to successfully purchase and preserve the Amos Mountain land. BPA members are encouraged to join the Land Trust and to contribute to the purchase of the Amos Mountain land.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Richard Lloyd
President, Bradley Pond Association