Bradley Pond Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2009

Attending: Richard Lloyd, Walter Grzyb, Brian and Liz Elowe, Bob and Susan Winship, Paul LaGreca and Kathleen DeMello, Toby and Barbara Stein, Wynn Gerhardt and Steve Valero, Paul Melville. There was a quorum present for voting purposes. The meeting was held at the home of Bob and Susan Winship and began at 10 am.

  1. Minutes from the 2008 meeting were approved.
  2. There were no officer elections required at this meeting.
  3. There was a discussion of the status of the property for sale between lots 1 and 5 that is not subject to the covenants. It was agreed that Dick Lloyd will call Dutton Real Estate to ensure that their agent informs any new owner of the requirement to contribute to the plowing and maintenance of Bradley Pond Road.
  4. The Treasurer report was read and accepted. This report will be posted separately on the BPA website. Current balance is $3552.99. Anticipated income from annual assessments is $5500.
  5. Road Commissioner Report: There was a lengthy discussion on the condition of the road between lots 4 and 14, that is, between Grzyb and Winship. This area is low and subject to flooding and erosion. Consultation with the excavator indicates building up the road is preferable to digging up roadside trenches. A motion was made and passed to allow the road commissioner to contract to spend up to $2000 for repairs to the road in that section.
  6. There was a discussion of the tax requirements for the BPA. The BPA is a Homeowners’ Association and IRS form 1120H is filed indicating no income. This is why the funds held by the BPA are not in an interest-bearing account. Any interest would be income and would complicate the filing considerably for not much income.
  7. Road Purchase: There have been some concerns that the private road status of the BPA incurs some liability for the landowners should a person be injured on the road when accessing Bradley Pond. Title IV, Chapter 114A of Maine state law addresses that issue and relieves landowners of private roads from liability when the private road is in recreational use. A related discussion concerned the private status of the road. In reality, each landowner owns out to the centerline of Bradley Pond Road. The BPA does not own the road. The Covenants of 1988 were written as if the BPA owned the road. There is a legal way that would allow each landowner to convey their strip of the road to the BPA. After a discussion of the legal technicalities of transfer and the complications of having the BPA own property (the road) and pay taxes on it, a motion was made and passed that we not follow through on conveyance of each individually-owned section of the road to the BPA.
  8. Greater Lovell Land Trust: The GLLT has successfully negotiated the purchase of the available land on Amos Mountain. This will be of great benefit to many of the members of the BPA as this makes unbuildable much of the land adjoining the houselots on Bradley Pond Road. There are considerable funds required to pay for the land purchase and the members of the BPA are encouraged to contribute when the GLLT fund drive begins.

The meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.

Respectfully submitted,
Richard Lloyd
BPA President and Secretary