Minutes of the BPA Annual Mtg
Aug. 17, 2006
Attending : R. and S. Winship, C. and T. Fortada, W. Grzyb, P. Melville, B. Elowe
The meeting was called to order at 11:00am at the Winship house.
1. Treasurer’s report as submitted by email : the report reviewed
2. Noted that there is not a quorum
3. Review of income tax and state registration filings: there is a question as to whether or not we must file a state income tax form. The federal tax form is due for filing on Sept. 15. An automatic 6-month extension is available by filing form 7004 with the IRS. Since we did not have a quorum, we will have to file for the extension.
4. Bylaws: discuss any proposed changes: As an outgrowth of the lack of quorum, it was suggested that the bylaws be changed to allow for email voting for officers and budgets. Currently the bylaw requires a vote by consent of all members to vote the officers and budget, which is what will have to be done for our fiscal year 2007 . That request for vote by consent will made shortly.
5. Review of road ownership issues: this issue was discussed briefly with no firm conclusion reached. Elowe and Gryzb pointed out that personal liability stemming from use of the road was very small due to Maine statutes which protect owners of private roads.
6. Road inspection report and proposed maintenance plan: We reviewed the report which was circulated by email. It was agreed that the road leading down hill to the landing needed at least one culvert on the slope and one at the landing to divert flows from the ditch. Also agreed was the need to remove large stones from the road leading from the landing to Elowes.
Grzyb will continue to discuss with the town the possibility of having them do the culvert work. These culverts are badly needed to control sediment infiltration into the pond at the landing.
It was agreed that Elowe should contact Wilson and have the stones removed in his section of the road (a very bad situation).
7. Report on next winter’s plowing contract: Walter has arranged to have Josh Jones to plow the road next winter on a per storm basis. Jones will be inspecting the road shortly and a price structure negotiated. Our old plowing contractor, Wilson, has told Walter that they can no longer plow our road.
8. Appointment of a road superintendent: A road super is required to assure proper contact with road maintenance and plowing contractors. Gryzb agreed to do this for the next year. The need for an assistant was noted and Elowe agreed to serve in that role.
9. Prepare budget for next year: We agreed that the budget for next year would be the same as for fy 2006. Assessments would be made on that basis. Since the plowing cost is not known, the budget is only a very rough guess. Funds from fy06 are available as a cushion since plowing cost last winter was very low.
The group agreed that road repair and maintenance work described above in the vicinity of the landing was an appropriate use of funds.
10. Environmental issues:
Phosphate free dishwasher soap: agreed that all should be using
Milfoil threat — increasing quickly in Maine. A big threat to the pond.
Road erosion — a common area problem, including for BPA
Pond water testing: there will an expanded program sponsored by KLWA
11. Development of Amos Mtn : The Rogers family is negotiating to sell the property either to a developer or the GLLT. (note from Bob Winship: keep those GLLT donations coming)
12. Insurance: Officers and Directors and Road liability: Brian Elowe indicated that insurance coverage was available, but there was not agreement on the current need for such coverage. The issue needs further consideration.
13. Should this organization continue to exist as a legal entity ? The issue was discussed briefly and the group concurred that the formal association should remain in place.
14. Election of officers for 2007.
Although the group did not make up a quorum, it did make a unanimous nomination for vice president for fy 2007, that being Dick Lloyd. Election by email will requested of the members shortly.
Since the former VP is automatically President for the next year, Walter Gryzb is now President. Treasurer is a three year appointment, so Charlie O’Brien stays in that post.
15. Meeting adjourned at 12:35
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Winship