Bradley Pond Association
Annual Meeting 2007
August 18, 2007
Attendees – Walter Grzyb, Richard Lloyd, Robert Winship, Sue Winship, Brian Elowe, Toby Stien, Barbara Stien, and Paul Melville (6 lots represented). Meeting held at the Grzyb residence.
Meeting called to order at 11:20 AM
- After much discussion the group voted to extend the length of service for the president and the vice president to two years instead of one. The vice president will still automatically succeed the president.
- Since the president (Walter Grzyb) and the vice president (Richard Lloyd) have only served one year (of two) and the treasurer (Charles O’Brian) has only served two (of three) years there was no need to elect any officers this year. Next year will require that a Vice President and a Treasurer be elected.
- Both the 2006 and 2007 treasurer’s reports were reviewed. The reports, submitted by Charles O’Brian via email, indicated that Bradley Pond Association had a surplus of $4,222.70. It was noted that the dues in the “budget amount” column were $5,500 in 2006 and $5,250 in 2007. This appeared to be an error and the treasurer will be asked to check that and make any necessary corrections.
- The Association will send letters to lot owners who are not current with their assessments asking for them to become current. Also, a letter will be sent to lot owners who are not part of Bradley Pond Association but use the road to access their property. The letter will request that they contribute to the maintenance of the road at the same rate as association members as outlined in Maine law.
- The group spoke about investing some of the surplus funds in an interest bearing account of some type. The group thought it was not worth the trouble to invest such a small amount and felt it was better to keep the money in a single checking account at this time. Several members noted that accruing interest could have a negative impact on the associations federal tax filing.
- The group took no action on setting assessments for the upcoming year. As a result, per our by-laws, the assessment will stay the same as they were in 2006 ($250 for an undeveloped lot and $500 for a developed lot).
- The group voted to direct the treasurer to send out the assessment notices as soon as possible and request that lot owners forward their assessments by the end of 2007.
- Walter Grzyb outlined the roadwork completed on Bradley Pond Road during the previous year. There were 3 significant projects as follows:
- In the fall of 2006, Wilson Excavation was contracted to remove any large rocks from the travel way of Bradley Pond Road. They did so and deposited fill where needed. The cost of this project was $3,316
- In the spring of 2007, the Town of Lovell graded Bradley Pond Road from Route 5 into the public landing. This did not cost the BPA anything. The Town of Lovell incurred this cost.
- In the early summer of 2007, Wilson Excavation was contracted to grade the portions of the road not done by the town (landing to Elowe’s and the fork to the Winship’s). This cost was divided 3 ways as follows 1/2 to be paid by BPA (estimated to be $200 or less), 1/4 to be paid by Winship, and 1/4 to be paid by Elowe. Brian Elowe has received the bill and will calculate BPA’s portion and notify the treasurer for repayment. The Elowe’s also paid to have several truckloads of fill brought in and spread on the section of road between the public landing and their residence.
- The town also hired a contractor to sickle bar the roadsides, which will go a long way to reduce future maintenance cost.
- The group voted to continue to utilize Josh Jones Construction for snow removal and sanding.
- The group voted to spend $3,000 towards road improvements during the next year. Several area’s were identified as priorities as follows; mirrors will be purchased and installed on two dangerous hills/corners of the road to minimize the risk of collisions at those locations, ditches and necessary culverts will be installed in the area of the road immediately leading up to the public landing to minimize runoff into the pond, and ditches and necessary culverts to be installed in the area of road between the Grzyb driveway and the fork in the road.
- The group voted to adopt a rule discouraging heavy trucks from using Bradley Pond Road during mud season (generally March and April) to reduce the costly damage done to the road during that time. All members are urged to avoid construction during March and April that requires heavy vehicles to use the road. This rule does not prohibit heavy vehicles, however, the lot owner served by any such vehicle will assume the costs of any required repairs to the road damaged by that vehicle. Members are also urged to contact their utility companies (oil, gas, electric, etc…) and ask them not to make deliveries or read the meter during this time.
- Members were reminded to be mindful of the importance in preventing the introduction of invasive aquatic plants into Bradley Pond. These plants would have a devastating impact on the pond. Also, members are urged to use phosphate free soaps and detergents. This will aid in keeping the pond healthy.
- The group again discussed putting up signs at the landing that remind boaters that the use of motors, electric or otherwise, is prohibited by Maine law in Bradley Pond.
Meeting adjourned: 2:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Grzyb
President, Bradley Pond Association