2018 Annual Meeting August 25, 2018
Bradley Pond Association
President/Secretary: Doug Proctor
Treasurer: Liz Elowe
Road Commissioner: Walt Grzyb
Location: 233 Bradley Pond Road, lot 9
Attendees: Doug Proctor, Brian & Liz Elowe, Walter & Martha Grzyb, Bob & Susan
Winship, James MacNeil, Judy Chang, Toby & Barbara Stein, Tony & Linda Arce
• Treasurer’s Report, submitted by Liz Elowe – BPA Treasurer
All dues paid in full.
Balance as of 25Aug2019: $2872.99
• Road Report, submitted by Walt Grzyb – BPA Road Commissioner
The road is in generally good condition
The large culvert was replaced along with general road repair including
improvements to the section of the road leading to the Winship’s home.
The town did some grading and leveling.
• Discussion points
Association dues will remain at the same level, $500 for developed lots and $250
for undeveloped lots.
Thanks to Walter and Liz for their efforts in maintaining our road and keeping
track of our finances. Also, to Bob Winship for monitoring our pond’s water quality
and registering our association with the state of Maine.