2019 Annual Meeting August 17, 2019
Bradley Pond Association
President/Secretary: Doug Proctor
Treasurer: Liz Elowe
Road Commissioner: Walt Grzyb
Location: 233 Bradley Pond Road, lot 9
Attendees: Walt & Martha Grzyb, Bob & Susan Winship, Nate Stein, Bruce & Jennifer Davis,
Doug Proctor, James MacNeil, Judy Chang, Thomas Winship
• Treasurer’s Report, submitted by Liz Elowe – BPA Treasurer
 All dues paid in full.
 Balance as of 17Aug2019: $1241.99
• Road Report, submitted by Walt Grzyb – BPA Road Commissioner
 The road is in generally good condition
 One culvert may need to be replaced due to age/rust.
 Town grading of the road was not completed due to the breakdown of the
grader while operating on Bradley Pond Road.
• A motion was made and seconded to add the responsibility of filing the BPA annual
report with the State of Maine to the president/secretary’s duties.
• Discussion points
 Some large rocks are emerging from the roadway most notably in the stretch
leading to lots 10 & 11. A work party may be needed to try and manually
remove the stones and make minor repairs to the road.
 There are some branches beginning to overhang into the roadway. It was
decided that these should just be manually trimmed as required.
 An increasing occurrence of motors are being used by boaters and fishermen on
the pond, mostly the electric trolling type. A sign will be posted at the boat ramp
to remind everyone that motors of any kind are prohibited on Bradley Pond per
Maine IFW Watercraft Restrictions on Internal Waters.
 There will be no changes to the property owner dues at this time. If we
experience another winter with excessive snowfall an additional levy may be
needed to cover budgetary shortages.